Thursday, September 4, 2008

I have tried to post some pics but am not doing something right, will keep trying until I figure it out. This weekend we will start our goat shelter/house. After looking for a nubian baby to bottle feed....I think we may be getting one within the month. I have made a call to a lady and she has several that are due this month. So I am getting ready! Since I lost my last one about a year ago, I have wanted one so bad. Everyone keeps your fingers crossed for me.


Heather said...

Let me know if I can help with posting the photos.

lol Funny I'm having a problem getting the comment code to work on my blog! lol haha But, I can do photos!

Susie said...

Heather, you are a sweetie and if I keep having trouble I will let you know. I can made simple things turn into something awful for some reason... lol. Thanks again. Wish me luck!